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The Center for Inquiry Office of Public Policy in Washington D.C. offers an opportunity to put your principles into practice by joining other rationalists to work for positive change in society.

CFI provides an ethical alternative to religious and paranormal worldviews. In this time of rising religiosity, anti-intellectualism and political turmoil on ethical issues, it is critical that rationalists and freethinkers join together to protect civil liberties, defend reason, and work toward increasing scientific literacy.

The Office of Public Policy’s mission is to advance and promote science, separation of church and state, and gender rights. We ask members of Congress to base law and policy on the scientific method and empirical evidence, as opposed to faith.

 CFI is a nonpartisan, nonprofit 501(c)(3). We are not affiliated with, nor do we promote, any political party or political ideology.

For more information about the Office of Public Policy, please visit http://www.centerforinquiry.net/advocacy/opp_introduction/ or contact Toni Van Pelt, Director of Government Affairs, at tvanpelt@centerforinquiry.net


1. Rodrigo Neely - April 22, 2008

What is so good about this, is that it is hard for me to think of someone who would not get behind these ideas. Not even theists.

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